Speech Therapy focuses on preventing, assessing, diagnosing and treating speech, communication and feeding disorders.
Occupational therapy focuses on helping children with physical, sensory, or cognitive disability be as independent as possible in all areas of their lives.
Educational Therapy focuses on supporting children with learning difficulties or getting ready to learn in a school-based setting.
Physiotherapy aims to help an individual optimise and develop one’s mobility, function and independence.
Music Therapy is an evidence-based treatment that uses music as a means to achieve non-musical goals such as physical, emotional, social and cognitive development.
For children with special needs, dance and movement therapy has many benefits including motor coordination and socio-emotional expression.
An evidence-based treatment, Art Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses art making as the main form of expression and communication.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy helps individuals recognize unhelpful thoughts and behaviours and learn how to change them.